1 ::2022/07/20(水) 22:58:55.07 ID:cHZfliDG0.net ?PLT(19081)
Meghan Markle may not be royalty in the US, but she acted like “a princess” while dining at hip eatery Locanda Verde with Prince Harry Monday night, a spy said.
“[She] asked the people at Locanda Verde to have the entire inner outdoor courtyard ? which seats 50 ? for herself and four people, including Prince Harry,” a source told Page Six.
“The owners told her it had been reserved for a birthday party for 15 people and refused to bounce the party out of the space … they told her she’d need to sit inside, which she did.”
The source noted that while there was “lots and lots of security all throughout the restaurant,” the Duke and Duchess of Sussex weren’t in a private room.
“[They were] seated in the middle of the busy restaurant,” the eyewitness shared.
We’re told that other patrons dining at the NYC hotspot that evening were informed by the Sussexes’ security team that they would be “asked to leave” if they tried to snap any photos of the royal pair.
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79 :シンガプーラ(東京都) [ニダ]:2022/07/21(木) 08:41:33 ID:kykszhvB0.net
24 :ヤマネコ(茸) [US]:2022/07/20(水) 23:13:37 ID:XMoWZ9Yd0.net
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22 :ベンガル(ジパング) [US]:2022/07/20(水) 23:11:58 ID:toBaQT7H0.net
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81 :チーター(SB-Android) [ニダ]:2022/07/21(木) 09:15:15 ID:MqTY/5pd0.net
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