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India’s virtual stars whose real faces you won’t see
1 day ago
By Anu Prabhakar
Journalist, Mumbai
JoqniX is among a budding niche of virtual YouTubers or VTubers in India
JoqniX has silver-platinum hair, wears spectacles and loves meeting new people.
He livestreams – or broadcasts – himself playing popular video games on his YouTube channel for up to 12 hours. His few hundred followers enjoy watching him play or speak about the action unfolding in the game.
But JoqniX isn’t real. He is a digital avatar created and managed by a student based in southern India who is not comfortable revealing more details about his location and offline life.
JoqniX is among a fast-growing niche group of virtual YouTubers, or VTubers, in India – digital personalities that have been created by online entertainers and content creators who mostly wish to keep their identities secret.
These VTuber avatars usually have distinct Japanese anime-style features and they stream games, participate in internet trends, make art or music and engage in other activities online that are fun to watch. Creators say that part of the popularity of these digital personalities is that their real identities remain shrouded in mystery.
Venu G Joshi, founder of the Indian VTuber talent agency, Project Starscape, says the trend gained popularity in India during the Covid 19 pandemic. Joqnix’s creator, who wished to be known only by the digital avatar, estimates that there are more than 90 VTubers in India at the moment.
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